RiverLife Community Church

Bli Bli Community Baptist Church and North Shore Baptist Church have merged to form a new church, RiverLife Community Church. It is an exciting journey that God is leading us on.

RiverLife Community Church is a fairly informal and relaxed church. While we used to be predominantly a “young people’s church” with mostly young adults and young marrieds with little ones, the merge has brought more balance to our church family, in that it now includes people of all ages. We run a children’s program during the Sunday Service called “Kid Zone” for primary schoolers, and have a crèche for toddlers. We are actively involved in School Chaplaincy, Religious Education and other children’s ministries in the community – “Kidz Club”, "Youth Group" and "Playtime & Coffee".

Come and join us at RiverLife Community Church for our regular Sunday Worship Service - 9.30am at Bli Bli School - we look forward to seeing you there, and you can be sure of a warm welcome! Visit www.riverlife.org.au for more information.

RiverLife Community Church serves the communities in Bli Bli, North Shore, Parklakes, Twin Waters, Pacific Paradise, Mudjimba and Marcoola. We are members of Queensland Baptists. All our welcome - 9.30 am on Sundays at Bli Bli School Community Hall. Visit www.riverlife.org.au for more information.

Church/religious organization